Saturday, November 22, 2008

NaBloPoMo ~ Day 22

What a party!

The lasagna was delicious, the company was fab, and aside from Maddy suddenly breaking out in a red rash and running a couple of degrees of fever, we all had a grand time.

Of course, that's a big "aside from" ~ she's had some Motrin and some Benadryl and is sleeping quietly. She was verrrry interested in her birthday presents until she just got worn out and needed to sleep for a little while. It's a lot of pressure to perform for her ~ at Christmas, we space the gifts out over the course of the day so as not to overwhelm her, but everyone really wanted to leave before it got dark, so the birthday presents had to be opened.

For now, I am exhausted and my head hurts ~ but I got through it with a smile. 15 minutes at a time, baby!

Time for some much deserved rest for all three of us, and maybe a cuppycake for a special treat before bed. :)


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