Saturday, September 15, 2007

Thankful for...

I decided (after last night's little rant) that maybe I'd be better served to list the things that are making me happy, or the things I am thankful for, rather than focusing on the negative. Hmmmm...ya think? ;)

Here's my list of things I am thankful for today:

  • Maddy. She just lights up my life. What a gorgeous smile! What a sweet laugh! And don't even get me started on open-mouth kisses on my cheeks and chin, and nibbles on my nose.
  • Buddy dog. Such a sweet boy. Despite his bad behavior, he is a wonderful little lap-warmer and toe-licker. He has a fierce protective streak that comes out as a German Shepherd sized bark from all 8 pounds of his little, wriggly body. I do love this puppy.
  • One and a half hour phone conversations with my darling husband. He had me laughing so hard at one point that I had to put the phone down. Love that him, love him, LOVE him! (I still wish he'd come home, like five minutes ago!)
  • Surprise phone calls from my sister and my mom. Sis must have heard my plea last night ~ she called this afternoon and we chatted for a few minutes. It made my whole week.
  • Catalogs in the mail. I love catalogs. Cheesy items with crazy prices and a few perfect Christmas gifts. :) Love it!

So, tomorrow is Sunday, and Maddy and I will be watching the Cowboys play the Dolphins. Go 'Boys! :) Y'all have a safe Saturday night, and I'll catch you on the flip side....

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