Friday, September 14, 2007

Things that are pissing me off right now

I have a whole list. UGH.

  • DH is working out of town, and found out tonight that he will be gone for another week. We'll have seen him for a grand total of 36 hours in the last 5 weeks.
  • Single mommyhood? Bites the big one.
  • Geckos in. my. house. (They don't really piss me off until they come flying off the walls and disappear under furniture. Then I have to worry about geckos. in. my. bed. Or gecko guts being eaten by the dachshund.)
  • My gear shift. For some reason, it's sticking between 1st and 2nd gear. Can't take it to the shop until DH comes home. See item 1.
  • Running out of Diet Coke. I NEED CAFFEINE!!!
  • The dachshund. He needs to be fixed, taken to dog school, and vaccinated. None of which I can do with the gear shift acting up. He'll puke if I don't drive carefully enough, even though it's only 10 blocks to the vet's office. I can't get him to walk on a leash.
  • George W. Bush. 'nuff said.
  • Thinking desperately of ways to get to Big Spring to see DH, all the while knowing that none of the ways will actually work. And even if they did, I can't bring the dog, or board him, since he hasn't had his vax. Natch.
  • Still waiting on the settlement check from the insurance company. We're now 4 weeks past the deadline that they gave me of two weeks ~ for a total of six weeks late. Good thing I didn't go on a crazy spending spree or I'd be in big trouble!
  • Missing my family. Especially my sister. Wish she'd call....
  • Missing my SIL and my nephews. Hurry up $$, so we can make a surprise trip to GA for Homecoming!
  • Exhaustion and insomnia.
  • Migraines and head colds.

That is all.

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